Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Vocabulary Lesson

Vocab Lesson Outline

As part of my Literacy in Middle and High School course, I created a vocabulary mini lesson outline and presentation based on a unit I was putting together. I took key terms from my unit, which is based on late 20th and 21st century American History, and created a short lesson outline and presentation which would create discussion with students about the terms and engage them with a short assessment of their learning.

The assignment allowed for me to work on personal goals with my public speaking as well as my ability to create active learning for students to engage with the material being presented. My goals entering my presentation were to be clear and engaging, as well as to have good time management, as I only had 15 minutes to teaching my vocab terms. Based on student feedback after the lesson, I achieved these goals and was able to keep students engaged through discussion of the vocab terms. It also seemed to create new perspectives on terms that were already understood by the students, which helped with creating a new jumping off point for future lessons that may discuss the terms being used.

When reflecting on the process, I feel more confident in my ability to convey material that I am teaching, and provide input while also allowing students to discuss their feelings on the topic. Based on the feedback and what I observed from the video, I feel I met my goals and did an effective job teaching the vocabulary. I found that allowing students to find information representing what they saw as the definition for terms helped their understanding at the end of the lesson as well. In order to continue building on these progressions in my teaching, I will continue to implement vocabulary in my lessons and continue focusing on my presenting skills to continue creating engaging discussions with my students.

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