Tuesday, October 11, 2016

South Burlington ELL Placement 10/7/16

On Friday this past week, I had my second meeting with T. We worked together to figure out and become confident with the new material she learned in her class. I also generated some small talk to learn more about her and her background, which aided in my understanding of her from an educator's perspective and creating a more relaxed environment by showing I was truly invested in "student". However, one thing T said to me stuck. She told me that "I don't need to be so formal when talking with her". I felt by her saying this, it meant two things: one being that by talking and showing T that I was invested in her as a student, she feels more comfortable with me as an educational tutor, and two being that while teaching, I still tend to be more professional, and phase out my individual personality. Reflecting on this, I understand it is important not only to be professional in the classroom, but also provide real personality in order for material and knowledge to stick to students, which is something I must be able to balance out in order to be successful.

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